Radio 2.0 - Basics

What's the difference between "normal Radio" and "Radio 2.0"?

Broadcasting on Shortwave or FM or having an Internet-Radio-Channel is primary an Audio-Distribution. But Web is growing and to stay visible and relevant for the world, a Radio-Channel has to use also the most important channels on the Web. Basically the most popular Search-Engines on the Web is Google and YouTube and these are two parts of the same Web-company. Also the Social-Media Channels like Facebook are important. But to be visible in the Web - Audio is not enough. For this, Radio 2.0 is the next step in the evolution for Radio.

Because of this, we developed Setups for the AWR-Network.

Podcast Studio

The Podcast Studio setup is a small audio setup with:

  • 4 Microphones
  • 1 small (but powerful) Audio Mixer with option to go live
  • 1 Computer to record and edit

With this setup, there are a lot of powerful audio-possibilities. This small Equipment is also easy to carry to an other Place (for example to a local church for an Event or a live Radio-Interview in front of an audience).

The listed equipment is only an example. It depends on what exactly are your plans and your local needs. Please think about your situation and let's talk about some details in your future program possibilities.

Radio 2.0 - Basic Setup

The Radio 2.0 basic setup is primary a small setup with:

  • 4 Microphones
  • 3 Cams
  • 1 small (but powerful) Audio/Video Mixer
  • 1 Computer to bring in Graphics and Audio
  • 1 Computer to record, stream on Facebook and Edit the recordings
  • 1 Stream Box to go live on YouTube
  • Some Lights (individually setup for the room)

With this setup, there are a lot of powerful possibilities. This small Equipment is also easy to carry to an other Place (for example to a local church for an Event or a live Radio-Interview in front of an audience).

The listed equipment is only an example. It depends on what exactly are your plans and your local needs. Please think about your situation and let's talk about some details in your future program possibilities.

Radio 2.0 - Advanced Setup

The Radio 2.0 advanced setup is using more functionality on the camera site, but this needs also more staff during the program:

  • 4 Microphones
  • 3 PTZ-Cams
  • 1 Remote Control for PTZ-Cams
  • 1 small (but powerful) Audio/Video Mixer
  • 1 Computer to bring in Graphics and Audio
  • 1 Computer to record, stream on Facebook and Edit the recordings
  • 1 Stream Box to go live on YouTube
  • Some Lights (individually setup for the room)

With this setup, there are a lot of powerful possibilities. This small Equipment is also easy to carry to an other Place (for example to a local church for an Event or a live Radio-Interview in front of an audience). Because of the remote-camera system, it is more flexible and you will get more nice pictures for your Webradio-Program.

The listed equipment is only an example. It depends on what exactly are your plans and your local needs. Please think about your situation and let's talk about some details in your future program possibilities.

Advanced Options

There are a lot of more options and individual possibilities.

Coming soon - a few examples of options...

AWR Europe

Vasili Makarchuk

Project Manager



Rainer Kopa

Project Engineer
