24/7 Radio Station

Studios who have a license to broadcast 24/7 have a lot of options to realize a studio setup.

(It's also possible to combine the Radio 2.0 aspect with your 24/7 broadcast service on the technical site. So feel free to think about.)

Based on a classical setup, on this site we will show you some options:

Studio Setup

The basic Studio setup contains:

  • 4 Microphones
  • 4 channels for dynamic processing the microphone signals
  • 4 Headphones
  • 1 Headphone Amplifier
  • 1 Broadcast Mixer
  • 1 Computer as audio workstation from the PlayOut System
  • 1 Audio Content Server (for/from the PlayOut System
  • 1 Silentdedector
  • 1 Audio Player (in case the silent detector detecting a problem)
  • 1 Master Sound Processing Unit
  • some (uninterruptible power supplies) USP units to survive a power blackout

The listed equipment is only an example. It depends on what exactly are your plans and your local needs and wich PlayOut System you'll work with. Please think about your situation and let's talk about some details and possibilities.

PlayOut Systems

The are a lot of systems on the market. Some of the systems are more and more online and connected with cloud systems. I'd recommend to do a lot on local systems if you have the knowledge to handle it. Be also careful about your license. In Some Countries you have to send regularly reports from your system, so check your local situation careful.

It's not really possible to give a general recommendation because every local situation is a little bit different.

Here is e a List of PlayOut Systems from musicradiocreative.com from March 2019 (update from June 2021) as an example.

Not all Systems are available in all languages. Not all systems are compatible with your license. Every system needs a different computer system/setup!

In Austria I worked with an older version of marlist, which was a good system for our situation.

I highly recommend to do a local research at other radio stations in your area, which system they are using and how the experience there is!

AWR Europe

Vasili Makarchuk

Project Manager



Rainer Kopa

Project Engineer
